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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2018

Creating bilingual minds

I love TED too! Another Ted talk about CREATING BILINGUAL MINDS. Elena Pérez

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning  is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. ELENA PEREZ BARRIOLUENGO

CLIL thinking skills

LOTS and HOTS Elena Pérez


A video focused on the second C which is Communication. Elena Pérez

Learning another subject (CONTENT)

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become the umbrella term describing both learning another (content) subject such as science through the medium of a foreign language and learning a foreign language by studying a content-based subject. ELENA PEREZ BARRIOLUENGO


Elena Pérez Barrioluengo

Driving questions

Writing the driving question is one of the hardest parts of an effective PBL. Project-based learning motivates students, since it is an authentic use with an open question that prepares the ground creating interest and curiosity. ... Be provocative, to keep students interested and motivated. Mónica Mahamud

Understanding BICS and CALP

Understanding BICS and CALP Classroom language on pinterest Games for teaching vocabulary JAVIER RAMOS SANCHA

Are you new to teaching in a bilingual classroom?

In developing the rationale for introducing CLIL into the curriculum it may be helpful to consider the benefits to teachers and learners in relation to four specific dimensions:these four dimensions (4 Cs) form a conceptual framework which connects content, cognition, communication and culture. Here it is a short video that explains it. Elena Pérez Barrioluengo


In the CLIL Classroom we're challenged to provide an environment that promotes higher level skills. These skills will take place together with second language learning if we do them correctly. Be encouraged! With practice it will work, one step at a time. I want to help you with the language and ideas of HOTS. The verbs that go along with HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills), rather than just LOT (Lower Order Thinking Skills) are some of the following: Examples: Locate Interpret Classify Construct Describe Predict Diagram Please keep these kinds of activities in mind when you are thinking out and developing your Task  Charts - HOTS/LOTS. Laura Riesco

HOTS and the learning pyramid

This Learning Pyramid will help you think about what skills are the most important when planning your lessons!


t's come to my attention that you could use some really good ideas and activities for Scaffolding. I like this link below because it explains Scaffolding really well AND gives you SIX VERY PRACTICAL WAYS to use this technique in your classroom. Think about what a scaffold is. It's makes hard material (concepts and vocabulary) understandable, or accessible, just like an "andamio." You should always include Scaffolding in your lessons. It's an integral part of CLIL Laura Riesco

Gestures to teach vocabulary

I strongly encourage all of you to use gestures like you see this science teacher using to help students with difficult vocabulary: The Steps of Mitosis. In 30 seconds you can teach a mnemonics (a tool for memory help) and with a few days repetition you will see a significant increase in students' ability and scores. There are LOTS of Teaching Helps like this one on YouTube, Pinterest  (ESL, CLIL, Bilingual Education) and the Teach Like a Champion site. Laura Riesco

First languages and age in CLIL and non-CLIL contexts

This is an interesting study about foreign language acquisition by analysing the influence of the learners’ two first languages (Catalan and Spanish, for two groups of learners, and Basque and Spanish, for three groups) in CLIL and non-CLIL programmes in EFL. Do you think the type of programme and the age influence the foreign language acquisition? Elena Pérez Barrioluengo

The benefits of a bilingual brain

What advantages do you think you may have to be bilingual? It is obvious that knowing more than one language can make things easier, such as traveling or watching a movie without subtitles. But does having a bilingual or multilingual brain have other advantages? Mia Nacamulli tells us in detail about the three types of bilingual brains and shows us how knowing more than one language keeps the brain healthy, complex and active. Have a look! Mónica Mahamud

What is CLIL?

How did you start this trainning course? Y want you to introuduce this video about CLIL. Can you give to us your own definition for CLIL? Thanks for your participation! Javier Ramos Sancha